A Single at Christmas. Part 2.

A Single At Christmas. Part 2.


I have decided not to mope this Christmas. I have spent the past few Christmases doing that and it hasn’t changed a thing for me. I mean, what good would I be to anybody going around with a dour look on my face just because I don’t have a ring on my finger? That is why I decided to spend Christmas at my cousin’s helping her take care of her two month old baby. It doesn’t matter that my cousin is two years younger than me and she got married last year to a drop dead gorgeous man. Or that I’m taller than her and much, much thinner (though that might just be because of the pregnancy fat) and I haven’t been able to find someone with XY chromosomes to call my own. The important thing is I need to be happy being alone before I can be happy with someone else. That’s what all those single books say, isn’t it?
So I am going to be happy these holidays by spending time with that two month old adorable little creature who her ‘toosh’ parents have named Crystal. I figure it would be good practice for me someday. Who knows? I might have the opportunity of birthing her adorable twin in the not too distant future.
“Yaaaaaah,” the baby’s wailing interrupts my reverie. The mother is out, father’s gone off to work and it’s just me and her. I wonder why these adorable creatures cry so much. As I carried up, I could smell it. Ugh! She needed a diaper change.
At 30, this is not how I envisioned I’d be spending Christmas. Its’ another reason I didn’t want to go home and face mum with her embarrassing questions. Or worse those of her friends. They’d try to take me to a pastor who will do deliverance for me. But I honestly don’t think it’s the witches in my village that are troubling me. I just haven’t met Mr. Right yet. He will come in time, I’m sure.
My married friends have told me I need to be more out there. I need to go to shows, concerts, increase the chances of allowing Mr. Right to find me. And while I believe that in theory, it’s certainly hard to put it in practice with my 12 hr work days at the bank which sometimes extends into weekends. If only Mr. Right was at my workplace! But if he is, he hasn’t given me any sign yet. Anyway, my plan these holidays is to mingle as much as possible staring with my cousin’s Christmas carol service at her church this Wednesday.

P.S: Part 3 coming soon. Over the next few days we’re going to be posting some Christmas specials for you guys. Read and enjoy.

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