Sons and Lovers

Episode 7


\”She actually said that?\” Remi asked, her hand on her mouth.
\”Her voice was as clear as a bell,\” Chidera said rubbing her forehead distractedly.
\”What are we going to do?\” Remi asked as she sat down on the bed.
\”I don\’t know. I really don\’t have the energy to deal with this. I don\’t want trouble. Perhaps I should just leave Richard alone like she said,\” Chidera said quietly.
\”Come on,\” Remi said, tugging at her friend\’s arm. \”You can\’t just give up like that.\”
\”Have you told Richard yet? You should talk to him first, see what he says.\”
Chidera sighed. \”What did I get myself into?\”
Remi smiled. \”Love isn\’t always easy. Don\’t you know the song; love is a battlefield?\”
Chidera made a sound of disbelief. \”Look who\’s talking about love. What are you doing about Fola who is love sick over you?\”
\”Huh? What are you talking about?\” Remi asked, her eyes widening.
\”Don\’t tell me you can\’t see it. It\’s obvious he adores you,\” Chidera said smiling at her friend\’s shock.
\”Chidera stop kidding jare. The guy that has not talked to me for days is the one that is lovesick?\” Remi said, hissing. Before Chidera could respond, she said: \”Let me tell you who talked to me today.\”
\”James Okadigbo.\”
\”You heard me.\”
\”Tell me what happened,\” Chidera said leaning forward.


Peter scanned the lunch crowd at the cafeteria. He had caught a glimpse of her the previous day but now he couldn\’t see her. Thanks to Tomiwa and his interfering ways, he couldn\’t make a move on her. He ordered a plate of rice and sat down occasionally looking at the crowd to see if he could spot her. She always sat there during their shared class in Philosophy and Logic. She always sat there musing, her forehead furrowed in concentration as if she was thinking very deep thoughts. She wore her hair short with little make-up. She was a free spirit. He felt like he knew her so much already though he hadn\’t had a chance to get her name.
She usually came to the cafeteria, hanfd hunched deep in her pockets in those jeans she was always wearing. He\’d seen her on several occasions eating the same thing-vegetable salad and rice. But somehow, today she didn\’t show up. He hoped she was ok. He had wondered if he was ready; ready to be the fool for love like everyone else around him seemed to be doing. He realized with some suprise that he wanted to know; he needed to know what it felt like to put his arm around her shoulder, to hear her tell him her deepest secrets. He shook his head as if to clear it. He was obviously getting soft, he told himself as he took a spoonful of rice.


Ruth took a deep breath as she entered campus. It would be hard trying to adjust with the memory of her mother\’s death always somewhere in the background, but she was determined to be brave. As the college shuttle stopped in front of her hostel, her heart leapt in anticipation. She realized it wasn\’t just because she was going to see her roomates. It was because she was going to see Tomiwa again. She packed her bags and knocked softly on her room door.



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