Letter to my future husband

Letter to my future husband


As I sit down and write this heartfelt letter to you my love, I can’t help but smile as I reflect. Oh, how I have waited for you all my life and have been ridiculed for not ‘settling’. I have tried to imagine what you will look like…will you be black or fair? Short or tall? Six packs or no packs at all? Lol. Yeah, I admit I like guys to have six packs and look all muscular but most importantly, what’s in your heart?

Songs of songs captured my thoughts “your name is like a perfume poured out.” That speaks of character,speaks of who you are apart from what is seen…who you are on the inside. When I pray for you, I’m not asking God for a perfect man (cos I’m not perfect), neither am I as concerned about the physical (though it’s important) as I am about the spiritual and the character.

Many people always ask what I want in a man and when I tell them, they are quick to tell me that such a man doesn’t exist…but then if such a man didn’t exist, how come you found me?(winks). I want a man who can pray with and for me with such sincerity and passion. A man who will be priest and prophet, who gives spiritual guidance and challenges me to love God more. A man who will make me think and push me to be the best I can be. A man who will put aside all traditions or ideologies that makes men think that been a family man is for the weak or jobless men. A man who makes me smile as I watch him play with our children. A man who is spiritually HOT and socially SMOKING…I will explain that to you in details later (winks).

My love, when I’m asked how I will recognize you, I’m quick to  use some lines from Janette Kz’s poem on “I will wait for you”. When you speak,I will be reminded of Solomon’s wisdom. Your ability to lead will remind me of Moses. Your faith will remind me of Abraham.  Your inspiration will remind me of Paul. Your confidence in God’s Word will remind me of Daniel. Your heart for God will remind me of David. Your attention to detail will remind me of Noah. Your integrity will remind me of Joseph and your ability to abandon your own will, will remind me of the disciples. BUT your ability to love selflessly and unconditionally will remind me of Christ.

As I conclude this letter to you my darling, I’m reminded of Songs of songs “Do not arouse or awaken love until the time is right and you are ready”. I will wait for you my love and you will know me because I will be the one dressed in Proverbs 31 waiting for you.

By Lois Ozidu














18 thoughts on “Letter to my future husband”

  1. Awesome piece! Was glued till d last dot… I pray to be a man like d one stated here God helping me nd I pray for all my fellow men to be built by God to be d much needed Kings and priest dat not only our wives nd family need but our generation at large. iCmE! iCgREATNESS!!… IGIT

  2. husband is now gold now, to get gud one is by d grace. she who find a husband finds a better thing and obtain lucky from d Lord

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